Animal Testing Ethics And Clodronate Liposome

Written By Unknown on samedi 29 septembre 2012 | 06:21

By Virginia French

Clodronate liposome is a substance that is used in animal testing. If you are going to use the substance you want to be very careful about its application. Improper use can result in dangerous consequences.

People who conduct research that involves animals are required to adhere to specific rules so that they can ensure that their work is performed in an ethical way. As a researcher you should understand the guidelines related to your research. Not only should you understand them well you must follow them closely.

Research is performed on about 20 million animals every year. Almost 50% of the research that is performed on these animals is painful. Studies indicate that during the process of this research on a lot of these animals there are no pain killers used. There are different schools of thought with regard to the need for painful research to be conducted in order to advance science and technology.

There are those who believe that research on animals should be stopped especially if it involves pain. The basis for their argument is that intentional infliction of pain is inherently immoral. They contend that just as it would be wrong to inflict pain on another human being the same standard should be applied to animals.

These people argue that whether a life is human or animal it is still a life and both should be afforded the same respect. They sometimes make comparisons between the disregard for animal life and the disregard for human existence that is displayed in sexism and racism. They are often of the opinion that there are alternatives to causing pain to animals and that these alternatives must be applied

People on the other side of this argument are of the belief system that it is a necessary evil to cause pain to animals because it results in overall benefit to society. They often make references to the many benefits that society can claim as a result of research that has been conducted an animal. They often refer to evidence that supports the fact that using painkillers can often contaminate the research that is being conducted and as such it is not possible for them to be utilized in the process.

These individuals believe that human life is inherently more valuable than that of animals. They often use the existence of microorganisms as an indication that life exists on very many different levels and as such it cannot be accorded the same value across the board. They also reference the developed capacity of humans in comparison to that of animals as evidence of the argument that human life should be held in higher regard

A clodronate liposome is only one of the numerous components that make up animal research. The processes and procedures that are involved are usually quite detailed and often quite valid due to their benefits to society. Before you settle on any side of the argument you must conduct whatever research that is necessary regarding the effects as well as the benefits related to animal testing. This will help you develop a much stronger foundation for your argument regardless of the side that you choose to argue. It is always much better to argue from an informed perspective rather than one based on unfounded information.

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